Special Requests

Sometimes, clients have very specific requests.

Word Mark

Logos created entirely with text, usually the name of the company or brand, which is styled in a unique and memorable way. A great option for a new company or brand as the name is clearly stated.

Letterform Mark

Logos that are constructed from single letter or initials that are relevant to the brand. This is popular for somewhat established brands with some customer recognition.

Pictorial Mark

Designs that are an easily recognisable image or icon which are a literal representation of the brand name or service.

Abstract Marks

Embodies general qualities, characteristics or values relevant to the brand. Sometimes these logos are not easily recognisable, but are useful to bring together several independent projects or divisions.


A combination of text and pictorial elements in one little neat package. A great statement piece!

Characters or Mascots

are a good way to personify a brand or company. Animals or people are popular options. These usually appear in a range of marketing media including commercials and plush toys etc.

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