Brand Identity

Guidelines, Not Rules

It is very important that these interview questions are not strictly things to ask but rather, guidelines that would help you identify and define his brand.

  1. Who are you?

  2. What do you do, and why?

  3. What do you promise your customers?

  4. What is your unique selling point? (“We are the only company to [ provide this service ] ")

  5. What is your story?

  6. What is your future?

  7. Who are your competitors?

  8. Who loves or may love you, and why?

  9. Are you going to influence the lifestyle of your customers and how?

  10. What emotions do you want to evoke in your customers?

You need to empathize with your clients. And probably some of these questions are too hard for them to answer (Believe me, even if they personally own the company)

I would recommend sending these guide questions so they could give you very insightful responses.

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