
Tell Stories

It’s the most natural way of engaging with people. We’ve been telling stories since our ancestral cavemens, and now modernly movie-binging or watching the whole series of Game of Thrones. Storytelling is one of the most effective way of explaining things because it’s just very natural for everyone.

Okay, so geeking out - according to the three-act structure:

  • act 1 : setup

  • act 2 : confrontation

  • act 3 : resolution

So applying this for the end-of-week’s sprint cycle:

  • act 1 : defining this cycle’s objectives & goals

  • act 2 : showing the challenges & design constraints

  • act 3 : presenting the solution

Be Flexible

It is very important to note that your deliverables will wide change throughout the whole process. What makes sense in Round 1 may not make sense in Round 4. Be agile, while you have a general scope of the company’s objectives and goals, the focus shall be varying every round. And this is how the stakeholders elimate what they think they want - not until you start showing to them what they actually need. Which also means, that the layout and approach of your presentations will change as well.

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