Developer Tools

Most of the development tools found here are geared toward frontend development, static site generations and CMS.


Warp πŸ†

AI-powered terminal

brew install --cask warp

iTerm Your terminal on steroids

brew install --cask iterm2

Hyper A terminal built on web technologies.

brew install --cask hyper

IRC & Instant Messaging

Limechat πŸ† It's the IRC for geeks

If you already have previously installed it, you can run

mas install 414030210

When googling errors on Stackoverflow fails, I use mostly Limechat for asking questions when I want instantaneous answers in language-specific channels (#css, #wordpress, #js) at Freenode

Gitter Chat tool for communities

brew install --cask gitter

Spectrum Chat tool for communities

brew  install --cask spectrum

Local Server Environments

MAMP Apache + mySQL + PHP stack (for Wordpress development)

brew install --cask mamp

If you want to build Wordpress sites, MAMP does a good job of running a local server for your Wordpress site to run.

Code Snippets Manager

Quiver The Programmer's Notebook

I was always looking for a great way to store quick code snippets I could access anytime because I find it really annoying opening old projects because of a code snippet that I find reusable. Quiver was a good contender for it being lightweight, fast, and has good code formatting. Shared notebooks allow you to sync in code snippets collaboratively. The only downside is its hefty $10 price tag, and the iOS app is read-only.

Lepton The Lean Github Gist Client

brew install --cask lepton

I'm starting to move to this one because first of all - the gists syncs up on github (which is great for sharing) and it's completely FREE.

Database Management

Sequel Pro πŸ† A nice database tool

brew install --cask sequel-pro

There are times when I want to modify the database tables easily in a GUI (Command-line is cool and geeky, but sometimes - I'm just in a hurry)

FTP Clients

Transmit πŸ† Simply the best FTP client. It is quite pricey though.

brew install --cask transmit

Filezilla It works, gets the job done, and most of all - it's FREE!

brew install --cask filezilla

Text Editor

VS Code πŸ† The best code editor

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

SublimeText Before VS Code, this was king.

brew install --cask sublime-text

Internet Browsers

There are lots of internet browsers out there. Some interesting ones I have noticed are:

Arc - Dubbed the "Chrome Replacement".

Orion - Built on WebKit, Orion gives you a fast, smooth, and lightweight browsing experience

brew install --cask orion

Chrome πŸ†

brew install --cask google-chrome


brew install --cask firefox
πŸͺ¦ Honorable Mentions


brew install --cask brave-browser


brew install --cask opera



brew install --cask docker

Last updated